
iQ Connect is a Web API designed and developed for the purpose of connecting consumers of services with people and businesses that provide those services. In the realm of property, auto, and casualty insurance claims, iQ Connect API allows 'Clients' (insurers) to create and deliver claim assignments to 'Providers' (adjusters/appraisers) and in-turn, receive a work product back from those providers. iQ Connect API design methodology consists of Push, Pull, and Notification Methods for communicating with external systems. An external system can call a Push Method to send information to iQ Connect API (first-notice-of-loss, photos, attachments, comments, etc.) as well as Pull information from iQ Connect (retrieve assignment data, photos, invoices, address data, provider Information, etc.). An external system is required to host a ‘notification’ web service or API in order to receive notifications from iQ Connect API.

API is based on restful standards and conventions. Data format for communication is JSON. Below is the list of supported HTTP protocol for API.

Type Description
GET Fetch entity or resource
POST Create entity or resource
PUT Updates entity or resource
DELETE Deletes entity or resource

Note: Color coding representation for HTTP protocols are based on swagger convention and followed across the document


Processing of any assignment request will be categorized in three basic workflow

  • Assignment Creation
  • Assignment Notification
  • Assignment Work product