Vehicle Type Accepted Values

Here is the list of vehicle types supported by API. Any value other than values mentioned below would be considered as invalid.

Vehicle Type Value
Ambulatory_Emergency 1 Ambulatory Emergency
Ambulatory_Non_Emergency 2 Ambulatory Non-Emergency
Automobile 3 Automobile
Bus 4 Bus
Extra_Heavy_Truck 5 Extra Heavy Truck
Extra_Heavy_Truck_Tract 6 Extra Heavy Truck - Tract
Heavy_Truck 7 Heavy Truck
Heavy_Truck_Tractor 8 Heavy Truck Tractor
Light_Truck 9 Light Truck
Medium_Truck 10 Medium Truck
Minivan 11 Minivan
Pickup_Truck 12 Pickup Truck
Police_Patrol_Car 13 Police Patrol Car
PUBLIC_BUS_OR_TAXI_OR_LIMO 15 Public (Bus, Taxi, Limo)
Tractor 16 Tractor
Tractor_Trailer 17 Tractor Trailer
TRAILERS_NON_POWERED 18 Trailers/Non-Powered
Truck 19 Truck
TT_Long_Haul_Zone_Rated 20 TT Long Haul Zone Rated
Van 21 Van